Empty Nest

Emotions of a Soon-to-Be Empty Nester

By Missy Eversole /

I could not stop crying as I was facing the role of an empty nester. Earlier that day, our oldest son boarded a plane to Texas for his second semester of classes at Baylor University. Because of the pandemic, his semester break had been extended an additional two weeks. As a family, we celebrated the…

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Come Stressed, Leave Blessed

Come Stressed, Leave Blessed

By Missy Eversole /

We did it! For those of us with students, the end of the school year is upon us. However, our students need to make it through final exams and projects before the joys of summer can begin. This is a stressful time for both students and teachers.  Thankfully, when we come to the Lord stressed,…

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JOY – Jesus, Others, You

By Missy Eversole /

Most of us are familiar with the term JOY – Jesus, Others, You. In our Christian circles, we refer to this as putting Jesus first, then others, then ourselves. It’s a simple word that is relatively hard to follow through doing. Most of us, myself included, tend to put ourselves and others before Jesus. This…

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31 Days of Prayers for Our Schools – A Free Resource for You!

By Missy Eversole /

At the end of July, social media was in an uproar over schools across the country reopening. People who were so supportive of teachers when schools unexpectedly closed were now judging them for wanting to get back into the classroom. The judgment continued on to the parents for wanting to send their children back to…

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Watching My Son Walk into School One Last Time

By Missy Eversole /

Every school day, I have watched my children head into school. Whether it was dropping them off at the front door, or watching them from the front porch as they drove away in their vehicles, I have never missed seeing Grant and Connor leave for school. College was no exception. One Week Ago Last Tuesday,…

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Three Ways the Quarantine Prepared Me For My Son Leaving for College

By Missy Eversole /

One week. Just one week until we move our son into his dorm at Baylor University. Waco is a 14-hour drive or 2 1/2- 3 hours by flight (depending on where you fly into.) I will never forget the conversation that our son and I had when we were touring the campus during Spring Break…

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Five Things to Help Parents Prepare for the College Transition

By Missy Eversole /

“Did you get a chance to read the email for school today?” I asked my husband during our nightly walk. “Which school?” Craig replied. And the tears began to well up in my eyes. The Little Things that Make Me Cry Yesterday, we received emails from both the high school and the university where our…

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Trusting Jesus While Preparing to Move My Son to College in Another State

By Missy Eversole /

Three weeks from today, the dynamics in our house will change. There will be a seat empty at the kitchen table. There will be only one child to get out the door for school. The house will be a little quieter without that infectious laugh that I have heard throughout the years. And if I…

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Sunrise Smoky Mountains

Five Ways to Quiet Your Heart

By Missy Eversole /

Five Ways to Quiet Your Heart No one cried out of frustration. No one whined because they didn’t get to what they wanted to do. No one argued with one another. No one asked the dreaded question, “Are we there yet?” No one got mad at her family because they were getting on her last…

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Letting Go, Learning to Fly and Loving Unconditionally

By Missy Eversole /

Letting Go, Learning to Fly and Loving Unconditionally Letting Go I am now the proud parent of a high school graduate. Originally scheduled for May 17th, my son was finally able to switch the tassel from right to left this past Sunday. Thanks to COVID, instead of sitting in an air-conditioned church sanctuary, we sat…

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Instagram Posts

There are many ways to spend time with God 👇 

-Go for a prayer walk.
-Talk to Him as you do dishes or fold laundry.
-Sing praises to Him as you drive.
-Write out a letter to Him in your journal.
-Read and ponder scripture. 
-Pray scripture.
-List all the things you are thankful He has blessed your life with.

In this week’s podcast episode, my guest, Tracy Glass, and I discuss practical steps for creating new, godly habits and patterns to live a fulfilled, faith-driven life. ✨ 

Whether you're overcoming personal hardships or seeking inspiration for your spiritual walk, this episode offers wisdom and hope.

To listen, head to Apple or Spotify and search for “Bold Faith Now Podcast!” 🎧 

#christianpodcast #christianpost #christianpodcaster #christianwomen #womenoffaith #christiancommunity #christianmothers #christianmom #womenoffaith #newpodcastepisode

There are many ways to spend time with God 👇

-Go for a prayer walk.
-Talk to Him as you do dishes or fold laundry.
-Sing praises to Him as you drive.
-Write out a letter to Him in your journal.
-Read and ponder scripture.
-Pray scripture.
-List all the things you are thankful He has blessed your life with.

In this week’s podcast episode, my guest, Tracy Glass, and I discuss practical steps for creating new, godly habits and patterns to live a fulfilled, faith-driven life. ✨

Whether you`re overcoming personal hardships or seeking inspiration for your spiritual walk, this episode offers wisdom and hope.

To listen, head to Apple or Spotify and search for “Bold Faith Now Podcast!” 🎧

#christianpodcast #christianpost #christianpodcaster #christianwomen #womenoffaith #christiancommunity #christianmothers #christianmom #womenoffaith #newpodcastepisode

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Do you feel stuck in life?

Are friends passing you by, headed into new life seasons and adventures, while you feel like your life is just the same old thing, day after day? 

Take heart, there is hope for you, dear friend! 💕 

What you need is to reclaim your purpose as a child of God. 
In the latest episode of the Bold Faith Now Podcast, I talk with author Tracy Glass about her journey of healing and growth. She shares insights that have helped countless women break free from life's challenges and embrace their identity in Christ.

Do you want to feel a sense of purpose again? 
Do you want to walk confidently in your identity as a Daughter of the King?

The link in my IG bio will take you to hear our conversation, which could be life-changing for you! 🎙️ 

#christianpodcast #christianpost #christianpodcaster #christianwomen #womenoffaith #christiancommunity #christianmothers #christianmom #womenoffaith #newpodcastepisode

Do you feel stuck in life?

Are friends passing you by, headed into new life seasons and adventures, while you feel like your life is just the same old thing, day after day?

Take heart, there is hope for you, dear friend! 💕

What you need is to reclaim your purpose as a child of God.
In the latest episode of the Bold Faith Now Podcast, I talk with author Tracy Glass about her journey of healing and growth. She shares insights that have helped countless women break free from life`s challenges and embrace their identity in Christ.

Do you want to feel a sense of purpose again?
Do you want to walk confidently in your identity as a Daughter of the King?

The link in my IG bio will take you to hear our conversation, which could be life-changing for you! 🎙️

#christianpodcast #christianpost #christianpodcaster #christianwomen #womenoffaith #christiancommunity #christianmothers #christianmom #womenoffaith #newpodcastepisode

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Do you desire to hear from God? 🙏 

Sometimes, we hear others say, “God told me XY and Z …” and we are left sitting there in frustration. We wonder how they can hear from Him while we struggle to do so. 

Friends, scripture is very clear that His sheep know His voice and that He will guide us through life. You CAN hear from Him. It just might take some time to learn to recognize what His voice sounds like to you personally. 🐑 

My podcast guest this week, Tracy Glass, teaches the concept of a "download from heaven" and how God can guide us to write, create, or step out in faith from a place of divine inspiration.

Want to learn tips to hear specifically from your Heavenly Father? Head to Apple or Spotify and start listening to our powerful conversation on the Bold Faith Now Podcast today! 🎙️ 

#christianpodcast #christianpost #christianpodcaster #christianwomen #womenoffaith #christiancommunity #christianmothers #christianmom #womenoffaith #newpodcastepisode

Do you desire to hear from God? 🙏

Sometimes, we hear others say, “God told me XY and Z …” and we are left sitting there in frustration. We wonder how they can hear from Him while we struggle to do so.

Friends, scripture is very clear that His sheep know His voice and that He will guide us through life. You CAN hear from Him. It just might take some time to learn to recognize what His voice sounds like to you personally. 🐑

My podcast guest this week, Tracy Glass, teaches the concept of a "download from heaven" and how God can guide us to write, create, or step out in faith from a place of divine inspiration.

Want to learn tips to hear specifically from your Heavenly Father? Head to Apple or Spotify and start listening to our powerful conversation on the Bold Faith Now Podcast today! 🎙️

#christianpodcast #christianpost #christianpodcaster #christianwomen #womenoffaith #christiancommunity #christianmothers #christianmom #womenoffaith #newpodcastepisode

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Do you dream of a pre-social media world?
I think there was a lot less comparison in the days before everyone carried around a phone and had social media accounts to see what everyone was doing. 📱 
Keeping up with the Joneses can be defeating, even more so when you are seeing their every move. Correction, their every FILTERED move. You can start to feel like your efforts don’t measure up. 
This week’s podcast guest on the Bold Faith Now Podcast is Patty LaRoche. She shares moving stories from her years as a high school teacher, illustrating how social media has affected teenagers' self-esteem. 💕 
To listen, head to Apple or Spotify and type in my podcast name.
PS- Do you think life is better or worse now with social media? What pros and cons do you see? Tell me below in the comments!

#christianpodcast #christianpost #christianpodcaster #christianwomen #womenoffaith #christiancommunity #christianmothers #christianmom #womenoffaith #newpodcastepisode

Do you dream of a pre-social media world?

I think there was a lot less comparison in the days before everyone carried around a phone and had social media accounts to see what everyone was doing. 📱

Keeping up with the Joneses can be defeating, even more so when you are seeing their every move. Correction, their every FILTERED move. You can start to feel like your efforts don’t measure up.

This week’s podcast guest on the Bold Faith Now Podcast is Patty LaRoche. She shares moving stories from her years as a high school teacher, illustrating how social media has affected teenagers` self-esteem. 💕

To listen, head to Apple or Spotify and type in my podcast name.

PS- Do you think life is better or worse now with social media? What pros and cons do you see? Tell me below in the comments!

#christianpodcast #christianpost #christianpodcaster #christianwomen #womenoffaith #christiancommunity #christianmothers #christianmom #womenoffaith #newpodcastepisode

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Where do you source your worth? 🤔 
Romans 12:2 tells us, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind...”
We are called not to copy the thought patterns of this world, yet sometimes, that is tempting. When movies, diet ads, influencers, and other sources tell us that we gain more worth if we do XY and Z, we can start to believe it.
If only I had that body.
If only I had that wardrobe.
If only I had that boyfriend or husband.
If only I had that salary.
If only ….
The key? 👇 

We find it in the second part of Romans 12:2: “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” This transformation occurs when we spend time in the truth of God’s Word and let it wash over our thoughts about our worth.
In this week’s podcast episode, I talk with Patty LaRoche about how Christians can confidently live out their faith. Patty emphasizes that it's crucial to recognize that "God is the audience that counts." Our worth is found in HIM, not what we look like or what we have. 
To listen, head to the link in my bio on IG. 🎙️ 🎙️ 

#christianpodcast #christianpost #christianpodcaster #christianwomen #womenoffaith #christiancommunity #christianmothers #christianmom #womenoffaith #newpodcastepisode

Where do you source your worth? 🤔

Romans 12:2 tells us, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind...”

We are called not to copy the thought patterns of this world, yet sometimes, that is tempting. When movies, diet ads, influencers, and other sources tell us that we gain more worth if we do XY and Z, we can start to believe it.

If only I had that body.
If only I had that wardrobe.
If only I had that boyfriend or husband.
If only I had that salary.

If only ….

The key? 👇

We find it in the second part of Romans 12:2: “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” This transformation occurs when we spend time in the truth of God’s Word and let it wash over our thoughts about our worth.

In this week’s podcast episode, I talk with Patty LaRoche about how Christians can confidently live out their faith. Patty emphasizes that it`s crucial to recognize that "God is the audience that counts." Our worth is found in HIM, not what we look like or what we have.

To listen, head to the link in my bio on IG. 🎙️ 🎙️

#christianpodcast #christianpost #christianpodcaster #christianwomen #womenoffaith #christiancommunity #christianmothers #christianmom #womenoffaith #newpodcastepisode

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New podcast topic alert ✨ 
Today, we are talking about a topic we haven’t discussed on the show yet: the trafficking of children.

My guest, Patty, has become heavily involved in speaking against trafficking. She is a retired high school teacher and author who passionately educates others about the dangers and signs of trafficking, emphasizing the importance of strength and awareness rooted in Christ.

This is a compelling episode to listen to and learn the signs of trafficking. May this episode also prompt you to pray regularly over this sensitive topic. 🙏 

To listen to our conversation, please visit Apple or Spotify.

PS- As noted above, this episode discusses trafficking and children. So, this may be an episode you want to listen to without children present. ❤️ 

#christianpodcast #christianpost #christianpodcaster #christianwomen #womenoffaith #christiancommunity #christianmothers #christianmom #womenoffaith #newpodcastepisode

New podcast topic alert ✨

Today, we are talking about a topic we haven’t discussed on the show yet: the trafficking of children.

My guest, Patty, has become heavily involved in speaking against trafficking. She is a retired high school teacher and author who passionately educates others about the dangers and signs of trafficking, emphasizing the importance of strength and awareness rooted in Christ.

This is a compelling episode to listen to and learn the signs of trafficking. May this episode also prompt you to pray regularly over this sensitive topic. 🙏

To listen to our conversation, please visit Apple or Spotify.

PS- As noted above, this episode discusses trafficking and children. So, this may be an episode you want to listen to without children present. ❤️

#christianpodcast #christianpost #christianpodcaster #christianwomen #womenoffaith #christiancommunity #christianmothers #christianmom #womenoffaith #newpodcastepisode

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Missy Eversole-0042

Welcome Friends!

My name is Missy, and I love Jesus! 

I am a Christ-follower, wife, mom, author, and speaker. I am dedicated to empowering women to live audaciously for Jesus. Now is the time, friends, to step out of the shadows and tell everyone about Him! 

I am living proof that after being nudged by the Lord incessantly to further His kingdom, He will give you the boldness, courage, and fearlessness needed to accomplish His will.

In October 2021, I released my first book, "Transformed, Not Conformed: Embracing a Life-Changing Approach to Spiritual Habits."

I am the host of the "Bold Faith Now" podcast. The podcast that empowers you to embrace a fearless faith journey. If you want to live out your love and faith for Jesus with unwavering courage and conviction, this podcast is for you! Click here to listen! 

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