Transformed Not Conformed


Have you ever wondered what would happen if you set aside the pressures of the world and focused back on the time when you first became a believer?What might happen if we placed our value in Christ instead of our to-do lists, accomplishments, and social media image? Missy Eversole invites you to do just that in Transformed, Not Conformed: Embracing a Life-Changing Approach to Spiritual Habits.

Filled with honest personal stories and relatable examples from Scripture, Transformed Not Conformed offers a respite from society’s demands to be Pinterest perfect, using a fresh approach to the spiritual disciplines. In addition to helping you create habits of Bible reading, meditation, prayer, silence, solitude, and fasting that you can stick with, Missy highlights the benefits of connecting with God through journaling and worship. Drawing from the hills and valleys of her own transformation journey, Missy paves the way for igniting (or reigniting) a love for Christ and a hunger for Him that is truly life changing.


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Hear from Missy Eversole, author of Transformed not Conformed: a Life-Changing Approach to Spiritual Habits. Listen below to hear more details about the book.