At the end of July, social media was in an uproar over schools across the country reopening.
People who were so supportive of teachers when schools unexpectedly closed were now judging them for wanting to get back into the classroom. The judgment continued on to the parents for wanting to send their children back to school, homeschool, or use the option of e-learning for their children.
Everywhere you looked, the negativity surrounding schools dominated the news headlines.
For those who don’t know, I work part-time at the school where our children attend. The teachers that taught my children are now my co-workers and friends. Every teacher is doing their best to pour their hearts into our children. I’ve seen all the motions; joy, frustration, laughter, and tears. While I can only speak from what I see at my school, I would imagine that it’s like this at all schools.
I cannot stress this enough; our teachers across the country need our support and prayers. They’ve always needed them, but now amid a pandemic, they really need them!
Thirty-One Days of Prayer
During this time of social media opinions, the Lord was pressing upon me to pray for our students, parents, teachers, and staff and share those prayers with others. Due to the busyness of life, posting daily wasn’t even on my radar. Yes, I would pray for our schools daily, but to take the time to design and post on my social media accounts would be too time-consuming.
However, I know all too well that when God wants you to do something, He will shove you into doing it.
As I posted my daily prayers on Instagram and Facebook, the response was overwhelming. I received personal messages and emails from parents and teachers from around the country, thanking me for these prayers.
I will not take credit for this. This was all God’s doing! And in all honesty, I was going to go about my life and ignore God’s prompting. I’m thankful that I didn’t!
Keep Praying!
Even though August has come to an end, I encourage you to keep praying for our schools. As things change daily in the school systems, I know that prayers would be greatly appreciated!
While I won’t be posting daily on my social media accounts, I have designed this downloadable, free guide for you to use throughout the school year. Please use this as a guide, in addition to your own daily prayers.
Click here to download and enter your email, as seen in the image below, and download your copy today!

Welcome Friends!
My name is Missy, and I love Jesus!
I am a Christ-follower, wife, mom, author, and speaker. I am dedicated to empowering women to live audaciously for Jesus. Now is the time, friends, to step out of the shadows and tell everyone about Him!
I am the host of the "Bold Faith Now" podcast. The podcast that empowers you to embrace a fearless faith journey. If you want to live out your love and faith for Jesus with unwavering courage and conviction, this podcast is for you! Click here to listen!