The Hurricanes of Life

As I am writing this post, Hurricane Dorian has destroyed the Bahamas and is now aiming at Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas.

Here in the Midwest, all we can do is pray. Pray that this storm reduces in strength. Pray for the safety of the residents. Pray that it will veer off course and head back out to the Atlantic.

I can’t imagine what the residents are going through. Life has completely changed directions for them, and they are facing an unknown future.

Life is Unpredictable

Much like a hurricane that causes chaos, certain situations in life can cause upheaval. An illness, loss of a job, or a wayward family member can shake your faith up.

In John 16, Jesus was preparing His disciples for the hour that was to come. He would be arrested, tried, and nailed to the cross. He would be leaving them, betrayed by one of their own.

“In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.”

In studying this scripture, I couldn’t help to notice that it doesn’t say, “In this world, you may have trouble…” It specifically says, “you will have trouble.” The reality is that we live in a sin-fallen world, and trouble will happen.


In those times of despair and when all hope is lost, turn to Jesus! He went to the cross for our sins. He defeated death. Victory over this dark world has prevailed!

I know, focusing on Jesus during a storm in our life, is easier said than done!

Here is a list that I have come up with to help you focus on Him during those times.

Five Steps to Focus Your Eyes on Jesus Amid a Storm

  1. Spend some quiet time with Him. More often than not, you will have some sleepless nights, use this time just to let the Holy Spirit speak to you.
  2. Pray. This seems obvious, but there may be times that praying is hard because you don’t understand why you are in the season that you are in. Prayer doesn’t have to be formal! Talk to Jesus like you would talk to your husband or best friend. He’s your best friend, and He is there for you! Embrace Him!
  3. Read the Word. Grab your Bible and open up to the Book of Psalms. It is full of worship, praise, and reassurance that the Lord is with us.
  4. Armor Up” In the midst of a hurricane; the enemy will try to gain a foothold on you. Do not let him! Put on your belt of truth, your breastplate of righteousness, and shoes of peace. Take hold of your shield of faith, put on your helmet of salvation, and grab your sword of the Spirit! This armor is the Lord’s armor, so put it on daily!
  5. Listen to Worship Music. Whether you have your headphones on or listening to it out loud, turn up the praise music! You can even sing if you would like to! Music has a way of making you feel better, and praise and worship music directs us to focus on Jesus.

My Challenge to You

If you are going through a season, please know that you are not alone! I encourage you to reach out to someone for prayer! The Lord hears our prayers, and He does answer them! The answers may not be what you expect, but the Lord sees the whole picture where we see a small pixel. He knows what is best for us!

I am praying for you, sweet friends!

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Missy Eversole-0042

Welcome Friends!

My name is Missy, and I love Jesus! 

I am a Christ-follower, wife, mom, author, and speaker. I am dedicated to empowering women to live audaciously for Jesus. Now is the time, friends, to step out of the shadows and tell everyone about Him! 

I am living proof that after being nudged by the Lord incessantly to further His kingdom, He will give you the boldness, courage, and fearlessness needed to accomplish His will.

In October 2021, I released my first book, "Transformed, Not Conformed: Embracing a Life-Changing Approach to Spiritual Habits."

I am the host of the "Bold Faith Now" podcast. The podcast that empowers you to embrace a fearless faith journey. If you want to live out your love and faith for Jesus with unwavering courage and conviction, this podcast is for you! Click here to listen! 

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