Taste and See
He shifted from the right to the left and then back again. Should he sit, or should he stand? If he sat down, he wouldn’t look so eager, but if he stood, he would be able to reach his destination faster. His eyes were focused so intently on his prize that the ruckus down the hall did not disturb him at all.
The anticipation was so great that he started to shake. It was just enough to be noticed by someone, but not enough to be of great concern. They would be able to interpret that he was just a little cold – after all, it was summer and the air-conditioner was running.
After what seemed to feel like an eternity, he was finally going to taste what he was longing for!
“Bailey, are you ready for your eggies?” I asked.
Bailey is our 12-year-old Cocker Spaniel. He lives for camping and scrambled eggs. The ruckus down the hall was our two teenage sons. And believe me, if you can still focus on what you love the most, amid teenage boys bantering back and forth, you can focus on anything!
In the five minutes that it took me to cook those scrambled eggs, it took him 10 seconds to devour them. He eats them so fast that we often wonder if he can taste the eggs.
As I was watching him eagerly anticipate those eggs, I had a profound thought. There are times when I have that same anticipation, that same hunger for the Word in my quiet time.
“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” Psalm 34:8
I have gotten into the habit of getting up early, grabbing some coffee, (this mom survives on a whole lot of Jesus, coffee and Chick-Fil-A sweet tea!) my Bible, my journal and sitting outside on the deck for some quiet time. There are mornings where everything flows right. The Word is speaking to me, and I can feel Jesus wrapping His arms around me. Then there are some mornings when I feel like I am going through the motions. My daily reading can be just another check mark off of my to-do list for that day, and the Word has no impact on me what so ever. These are the days when I feel that nothing goes right, and I think that the world is against me.
So, how can I eagerly anticipate reading the Word? I have found that if I sit still and clear my mind before diving into the Word, it will have a more significant impact on me!
Last weekend, I participated in a 24 hour “Silence & Solitude” retreat. After I checked in and unloaded my belongings, I headed to the prayer chapel. It can take anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes to rest my mind in Jesus before diving into the Word. I honestly do not know how long my quiet time was, but when it was over, I felt compelled to read Acts 1-4. I saw those chapters in a whole new light! It was like the page was highlighted with the verses that I was directed to read by the Lord, Himself. It was a fantastic feeling!
I am now more than ever determined to have my “resting time” with Jesus before diving into the Word even if it means getting up an extra 15-20 minutes early! Thank you, Jesus, for your Word and coffee!!!!
Welcome Friends!
My name is Missy, and I love Jesus!
I am a Christ-follower, wife, mom, author, and speaker. I am dedicated to empowering women to live audaciously for Jesus. Now is the time, friends, to step out of the shadows and tell everyone about Him!
I am the host of the "Bold Faith Now" podcast. The podcast that empowers you to embrace a fearless faith journey. If you want to live out your love and faith for Jesus with unwavering courage and conviction, this podcast is for you! Click here to listen!