068 – The Transformative Power of Faith with Hadassah Treu

068 – The Transformative Power of Faith with Hadassah Treu

In Episode 68 of the Bold Faith Now podcast,  join Missy and her guest, Hadassah Treu, as they explore finding joy and purpose through faith, even amidst life’s most challenging moments. Hadassah shares her personal story of conversion at age 17, the struggles and triumphs within her family dynamics, and the unexpected loss of her husband — all woven into her inspirational book, “Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings.” The episode discusses the pivotal role of the Holy Spirit, the importance of thriving by staying connected with God’s love, and the necessity of renewing our minds in today’s distracting world.

Connect with Hadassah:

Website: https://onthewaybg.com/

Join Hadassah’s community: https://subscribepage.io/joinmycommunity

Connect with Missy:

Website: Missy Eversole

Facebook: MissyEversoleAuthor

Instagram: missyeversole_author

Free Resource: Join me in 2025 as we memorize Bible verses together! Go to missyeversole.com and download the free resource, 26 Bible Verses for 2025.

Disclaimer: Guests’ views on the podcast may differ from my Christian beliefs. While I aim for diverse discussions, I may not endorse their religious views. Listeners should approach content with openness to diverse perspectives, fostering dialogue and understanding.

Click here to view my What I Believe Statement.


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Missy Eversole-0042

Welcome Friends!

My name is Missy, and I love Jesus! 

I am a Christ-follower, wife, mom, author, and speaker. I am dedicated to empowering women to live audaciously for Jesus. Now is the time, friends, to step out of the shadows and tell everyone about Him! 

I am living proof that after being nudged by the Lord incessantly to further His kingdom, He will give you the boldness, courage, and fearlessness needed to accomplish His will.

In October 2021, I released my first book, "Transformed, Not Conformed: Embracing a Life-Changing Approach to Spiritual Habits."

I am the host of the "Bold Faith Now" podcast. The podcast that empowers you to embrace a fearless faith journey. If you want to live out your love and faith for Jesus with unwavering courage and conviction, this podcast is for you! Click here to listen! 

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